Field Configuration

There are three types of fields you can configure. This will allow you to customize the registration forms (i.e. information you want to collect from users and attendees at the booking stage), and your user-facing activity listing page.

You can create new fields by using the Create new button. You can drag the fields to re-order the sequence that the fields appear on the registration form or the layout of the activity page.

User and attendee fields

Users are those who place the booking with you but not necessarily the ones who attend the activity. For example, in the case of a parent booking for a child, the parent is the user, whereas the child is the attendee.
User name and email are always required, and users are the main recipients of any communication from you (e.g., order confirmation, reminder emails). Attendee name is also always required. When creating a new user or attendee field, you will see the following options:
  • Field usage: This indicates whether this field applies to user, attendee or activity.
  • Field type: This indicates the type of this field (e.g., text box, drop down list). For more details on understanding different field types, please refer to the article on field type
  • Label: This is the name of the field that will be shown to the users. It will also be used as the column name in your admin area, such as registers. We suggest keeping it short and make use of the Help Text field, which is explained below.
  • Help text: This will be displayed to the users as additional context for this field. For example, we want to collect photo consent from the user. You can create a field with the Label 'photo consent', and add the following to the Help text: 'By giving this consent, you authorise us to take photos during the event and to share the photos on our website or marketing materials.
  • Use for admin-filtering: When enabled, this field will appear as a filter in the User and Attendee section in your admin area, so you can easily filter a group of users or attendees with the same attributes (e.g., all female attendees if you have a gender field). You can also configure which filters are available in the User/Attendee section.
  • Required: When selected, users will have to fill in this field before they can proceed. Please pay particular attention when creating a required field that is a checkbox, as users will have to tick this before being able to proceed. For more details on choosing the best field type, please refer to the article on field type
  • Enabled: When selected, this field will appear on the form. If you no longer require this field, you can de-select this button. You can also delete the field if no user has ever filled in this field.

Activity-specific attendee fields

For attendee fields, you also have the option to restrict such fields to selected activities only.

Activity fields

These control the type of information that will be shown for the activities you create. Title and Venue are always needed for any activity. Venue is configured in its own settings page, as explained in the previous section of this article. Subtitle and description are automatically created for you, and are optional but recommended fields. If you don't need such a field, you can simply disable it. When you create an activity, you will be able to add additional photos and website links in the description field.
Similar to the user/attendee fields, when creating a new field, you will have the option to specify a required field, or whether the field can be used for admin-filtering. A new option that is unique to Activity fields is:
  • Use for site-filtering: When enabled, this field will appear on your booking site as a filter that your users can choose to use. For example, if you have created a new Activity field called "category" and is enabled for site-filtering, Category will appear as a filter shown below:Site filtering of activities

  • Admin only: This will make the field visible only to admin users. Helpful when you want to keep note of attendees/ users whilst keeping the information confidential.

You can make use of the flexibility to customize your own detailed activity page. This allows you to break down the information about an activity into sections and therefore easier for users to navigate and find the right information. An example is shown in the screenshot below. Activities field configuration

After configuring the activity fields, you will be ready to create your first activity! Rest assured that you can always come back to edit or create new fields in case you forget about some fields. The new fields will immediately appear when you go back to create a new activity/ edit existing activities.

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