General Settings

Before creating your first activity listing, there are a few steps we recommend you complete in order to tailor Pembee for your business. In this guide, we will cover the General Settings (which can be accessed by clicking on the Settings button on the left panel of your Admin page).

Organisation name and logo.

You can upload your own logo, which will appear on the upper left corner of your booking website. There are three options to choose for how to display the logo and name.

  • Logo only: We recommend uploading a square logo or a wide logo if it contains the name of your organisation already.
  • Logo and organisation name: We recommend uploading a square logo and your organisation name will be added next to the logo
  • Organisation name only: Choose this option if you don't want to show any logo.

Contact Email

This is pre-completed as the email you used to sign up with Pembee. This will be the email address that your customers can reply to when they receive any automated emails from Pembee (such as order confirmation emails). You can change it if you have a dedicated email address which you monitor.

Social Media Link

The social media link will appear in the footer of your booking page, as well as in any emails you sent to your customers via Pembee (e.g., new account welcome email, order confirmation email).

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