User account credit

Account credit feature is available on our Premium plan. This allows you to add or remove credits for a user, and allow Account credit as a refund method.

If a user has any credits in their account, the credits will be automatically used when making a new booking. The system will use credits based on their expiration dates, starting with the ones that will expire soonest. This helps users make the most of their credits before they expire.

For admins, tracking the usage of account credits is simple. In the Admin area, you can view a user's history of credit use by going to the Users tab. Look for the column labeled 'Amount Used' and click on it. This will open up a detailed view of how and when that particular credit was used.

Click 'Deduct credit' to manually remove any credits.

Click 'Add account credit' to manually add credits (with the option to set an expiry date).

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