How to set age restrictions for your activities on Pembee

When you create an Activity, in Step 4: Settings, there is an optional field that allows you to set age restrictions to ensure that your activities are suitable and safe for the right age group. Below is a guide on how to use the age restriction settings effectively.

To enable this option, the Date of birth field in Attendee fields will need to be enabled.

Age Restriction Options

Pembee offers two options to restrict the age for your activities.

Restrict based on age on session date

This option is ideal for activities where the attendee’s age on the day of the session is crucial.

The age restriction will be based on the age of the attendee when the session takes place. For all-session tickets, the attendee must satisfy all sessions' age requirements.

  • Set the Minimum Age Requirement: For instance, '5 Years, 0 Months' indicates that attendees must be at least 5 years old to participate.
  • Set the Maximum Age Limit: For instance, '6 Years, 6 Months' indicates that attendees must be younger than 6 and a half years old.

Leave blank if there is no minimum or maximum age limit.

Restrict based on Date of Birth

Choose this when you prefer to allow bookings based on the attendee's birth date regardless of the session date. This is useful when restrictions are based on certain age cohorts such as academic year.

For example, if your activity is suitable only for students in School Year 5 during the school year running from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024, you will need to set the birthdate range accordingly. You'll need to input the date of birth range that corresponds to the typical age of children in Year 5, which translates to age 9-10 years during the school year 2023/24.

  • Earliest eligible birthdate: For Year 5 Cohort this should be '1 September 2013' which means any child born on or after this date is eligible.
  • Latest eligible birthdate: For Year 5 Cohort this should be '31 August 2014' which ensures that children born after this date will not be eligible, as they would typically fall into Year 4 or lower.

Handling when attendees are not within the set age range

Choose "Block" to prevent the attendee from being booked if they do not meet the age requirements.

Select "Display warning" if you wish to warn the user but still allow them to book the activity.

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