Subscription and payment plan examples

In this article, we will walk through a few real-life examples using the Subscription functionality. We will cover:

To understand the basics about the Subscription feature, please visit this article.

Example 1: Termly activity subscription


You run a weekly term-time dance class for three terms a year, term 1 (September - December), term 2 (January - March) and term 3 (April - July). You want parents to purchase a subscription ticket that charges £50 per month for the whole year (12 months). You will create three separate activities (one for each term). It is now August and you have created the activity for term 1 and plan to clone the activity and open for booking in December when term 1 is close to end.

Subscription plan to create

The subscription plan should be a Regular type with a start date of 1 September and an end date of 1 August next year to cover the entire year.

Activity ticket to create

In the ticket section for the term 1 activity, you should create a subscription ticket linking to the subscription plan above. If you want attendees to join the class immediately from the next session, toggle the Allow mid-month bookings button and set a cover fee per session. If you don't allow mid-month bookings, the attendee will be booked into sessions starting next month with the subscription starting next month.

New term assignment

When parents purchase the subscription ticket, initially their child will only be booked into term 1. Suppose we are now in December and you have created the dance club activity for term 2 by Cloning the term 1 activity with the new session dates. Please make sure that the term 2 activity has a subscription ticket that is linked to the same subscription plan (When cloning this will be created automatically). After this is done, you need to assign the new term 2 activity to existing subscribers so that they can join sessions in term 2.

Go to Subscription/ User subscription, and use the Activity - Title filter to filter all subscriptions linked to the term 1 dance club.

First, click the Group select button and choose all user subscriptions that you would like to assign term 2 to. Then click Assign new activity and choose the term 2 activity. All subscribers will receive an email notifying them that they have been booked into term 2, along with the new session dates.

Example 2: Payment plan to spread costs


You have a yoga retreat scheduled for a whole week of 11-17 June. A regular ticket covering the whole week costs £250. You'd like to offer a payment plan to spread the costs across three months (£100 on 1 February, £100 on 1 April and £50 on 1 June)

Subscription plan to create

The subscription plan should be a Fixed schedule type as the amount varies month by month. You should also toggle to Prevent new subscriptions after first payment date. You can create other subscription plans for anyone starting a subscription later than 1 February. You should also not allow user cancellation to ensure users pay the full amount.

Activity ticket to create

In the ticket section for the yoga retreat, you should create a subscription ticket linking to the subscription plan above. As the subscription is set to finish before the start date of the yoga retreat, there is no need to toggle on Allow mid-month bookings.

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