Share Site and booking link

Once you have configured your Pembee account and created activities, you can share the links so that your customers can start booking as soon as possible.

This guide will cover

Check how your customers will see your Pembee page

Click on Back to site in the Admin area to see how your customers will see your Pembee booking page. You can check whether the activities are added correctly, how does your customised information (such as logo, social media links, activity pictures) look like. You can also place a test booking by adding a ticket, and go through the process of filling in attendee details to make sure the custom forms are set up correctly. Make sure you are happy before sending the booking link around!

Share the booking site

Your unique booking page ( is set up when you first registered with Pembee. If you have a second thought about the domain you have chosen, please send us an email and we will be in touch. You can share the link on your social media page. If you have your own website, you can also create a link or a button on your website so that any visitors to your website are one click away from booking directly. 
In Settings/ Share site, you will find the common ways to share your Pembee booking site with your users, including a link, button, iFrame embedding, or Facebook call to action. You can also create a pre-filtered link to show only a section of your activity listings.

Save as an App on your mobile home screen

You or your customers can easily save your Pembee site on their mobile home screen, without the need to download an App.

For iPhone devices:

  1. Open your Pembee site on Safari
  2. Tap the Share button on the bottom of the page. It looks like a square with an arrow pointing out of the top.
  3. In the list of options that appear, scroll down until you see Add to Home Screen. Tap this.

For Android devices:

  1. Open your Pembee site on Chrome
  2. Tap the menu icon (3 dots in upper right-hand corner)
  3. Tap Add to Home Screen.

Embed Pembee site in WordPress

If you have built your website using tools such as WordPress, you can follow the steps below to easily embed your Pembee site to your WordPress website.

  1. Go to the page where you'd like to embed your Pembee site, and in the desired area, click on the + button and choose "Custom HTML".

  2. A 'Write HTML' section will appear on your WordPress page.

  3. In Settings/ Share site, go to the iFrame section and click 'Copy to clipboard'. Paste this into the 'Write HTML' section on your WordPress page.

  4. Click 'Preview' to see how the embedded Pembee site looks like. You can adjust the height and width of the embedded box if you are not happy with the default value.

Configure custom domain

For Premium plan users, you have the option to redirect your own website url to Pembee. This requires some level of knowledge on website DNS settings. 
For example: You own the website You want to create a new page and make this your Pembee booking page. In your DNS settings, you need to create a record as below:
You can change the 'bookings' part to anything you see fit. This will change the page url on your own website. After this, please email with your booking url ( in the example above). This will effectively connect your chosen website url to Pembee so your customers can place bookings on your own website.

Share a particular activity booking page

Each activity you have created has its dedicated web address. If you prefer to link a section of your website to each individual activity, you can find out the web address by clicking on the activity of interest in the Back to site view (see the first step above).

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